Introducing a talented artist known as Casey, who created Greatest Champion Alive (GCA), has previously worked as a live and studio musician with many artists, including Mitski, Diarrhea Planet, Bully, Colleen Green, and many more. GCA makes warped, broken, keyboard-based songs. They recently set out to play their first (and so far only) live show - a sold out gig opening for Homeshake in NYC. With the release of his newest single "ride", he projects a very nostalgic track that will definitely intrigue your ears. Starting with amazing synth instrumentation leading onto her sweet and soft vocals he completes the single fully. Explaining the track further it's about just existing in the summertime and wanting to soak it in and enjoy it, and really take advantage of it. To the vocals and production, this track will surely have you dancing. Being just perfect for a late-night drive or a day by the beach with some friends. Go stream "ride" and check out his discography which is filled with amazing tracks.