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Blue Nagoon - "Crestfallen"

Blue Nagoon is a music producer, teacher, and fan from Alaska. He enjoys working in a variety of genres, mostly rock/pop/retrowave, but always with a focus on songwriting that comes from his roots as a singer-songwriter. Like many artists he got back into songwriting and production in a big way in 2020, starting with a monthly series of synthwave with vocals releases. Early 2022 brings an album cycle of chill pop songs with singer Alyssa Fischer. A full-length retrowave album will follow. What caught our attention this time was the latest single "Crestfallen". To simply put it, it starts ambiently and oh so smoothly, then shortly we hear the lovely vocalists voic shine and trickle down our spines. The single this time is very reminiscent to bubble gum pop of the 00's. I felt like I was in highschool again so to speak with the choice of instrumental, it felt like we were listening to young Britney Spears! Listen below.


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