Upcoming artist Sam Loid is a 25 year old R&B artist based in New Orleans, LA. he introduces a very chill laid back type of vibe when you listen to any of his tracks. Having around 3 tracks released you are sure to hear some amazing tracks from this artist. He's currently got into music and has being releasing tracks just perfect for any occasion. Following the release of his newest single "Green" he projects a very soothing sound that will surely grasp your ears. Beginning the track with a slow guitar instrumentation leading onto his sot and luscious vocal he completes the track fully. Explaining the track further it's an acoustic song about jealousy. Being jealous of that “other person” but mostly realizing that you’re becoming someone else that you never wanted to be. It's lyrically driven to help the listener understand that we control who we are but sometimes it's difficult to do so when you realize you're becoming someone with traits you never wanted to have. To the vocals and production this track will surely take you to a laid back chill atmosphere. Being just perfect for a late night drive or just chilling alone within your thoughts. Go stream "Green" and check out his discography which is filled with amazing tracks.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesamloid/
Website: https://ffm.bio/thesamloid