Mickey Blue is a producer hailing from the Jersey Shore, known for his unique blend of old-school hip-hop and modern beats. His latest single, "Twenty Ninety-Four," is a nod to the golden era of hip-hop, with a smooth, soulful beat and a catchy, nostalgic chorus.
Teaming up with Big Dee, a rapper from Point Pleasant, NJ, Mickey Blue creates a track that feels like a throwback to the 90s. The production is top-notch, with a tight beat and rich, layered instrumentals that give the track a timeless quality. The lyrics are also on point, with Big Dee delivering a sharp, confident flow that's sure to get heads nodding.
The music video, directed by Mike Sgroi, captures the energy and vibe of the track perfectly. Featuring old-school footage and vibrant, colorful graphics, it's a fun and nostalgic look at the world of hip-hop.
Overall, "Twenty Ninety-Four" is a fantastic single from Mickey Blue and Big Dee. With its catchy chorus and killer production, it's sure to be a hit with fans of classic hip-hop. Keep an eye out for Mickey Blue's debut album, "A Long Time Coming," set to release in January 2023.