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Grace Kay Stuns With "Here"

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Grace Kay spent her teenage years attending an all-girls high school where she was imbued with a keen desire to empower other women. Bringing that passion into her music, Kay’s songwriting tends to center around the women in her life and the influences they’ve had on her. After graduating from the University of Southern California with a degree in acting, Kay went on to star in various short films and mini-series, which, she explains, taught her the importance of story in songwriting. "Here" is something that is defiantly refreshing in this new millennial sound of bass and with autotune. To us this single was like getting in a DeLorean and traveling to the past, specifically for the scene where you and your friends got out of that one bad situation, but at the end of the day you guys drove into the sunset with smiles on your faces. From the instrumental choice to the delivery on vocals, we hope to desperately hear more from Grace Kay.



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